Wednesday, January 14, 2009

White Heat

- Cherry Adair -

One of the T-FLAC series (gah, everytime I read that I hear that quacky little duck from the Aflac commercials)

Really fun, easy read - the story moves quickly and is very engaging, as are the two leads, Max & Emily. Actually, thinking about this on the train ride home - I feel like we didn't get all that much information about Max and Emily as people. Some background, family stuff - sure, but not a whole lot of organic "this is who they are" type stuff, beyond the usual "he's a super spy" "she's and independent woman" generalities.

Nonetheless, I found them both to be really likeable and well match, so clearly they were still pretty well written, despite being a bit enigmatic.

Also not quite as much background stuff for all the terrorist activity/groups, which I actually enjoyed - a couple of times with Cherry Adair's books, all that stuff has felt like a total info dump and slows the story right down for me.

One minor quibble: loved the spider as mysterious killer (spoiler!), but have never heard a funnel web referred to as a Sydney Funnel Web Spider. I don't know...maybe that's it's official name. Where I am from we just refer to them as "Quick, squish it!".

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