Sunday, January 11, 2009

To The Edge

- Cindy Gerard-

First in a series (the "Bodyguards" series).

Came across this one because I was looking for a good, easy to read romance/suspense type series/author and Amazon recommended this via the "customers who bought X also bought Y" feature.

Definitely enjoyed - solid writing, not as repetitive as some in this genre can be (ie: repeating information, character traits etc ad nauseum), nice tension (both of the sexual and 'what's the stalker up to next' varieties).

The lead characters, Nolan and Jillian, both seem realistic and believable both as individuals and as a couple.

The stalker character could have been integrated more into the story, so that it seemed more organic when the reveal came and I also would have liked a little bit more interaction between Jillian and the characters around her so we had a bit more insight into who they were and why they were suspects (particularly in the case of her assistant, who is described as very nervous, had a hard life etc, but we don't get a whole lot of background, which I would have liked).

Overall, I really enjoyed - exactly what I was looking for and have already ordered next in the series. Thank god for paperbackswap!

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