Saturday, January 3, 2009

Talk Me Down

- Victoria Dahl -

Whoa. Picked this up based on great review from and it was fabulous.

Two great lead characters - both flawed, but not dominated by their flaws. It drives me insane, particularly in romance novels, when the protaganists don't get out of their own heads enough. In "Talk Me Down", Ben and Molly both have their share of hangups (his pathological fear of scandal, her secrets about her career, former lovers etc) but they don't let it get in the way of going for what they want, ie: each other.

There is nothing more irritating in a romance than fake tension of the "We shouldn't, we can't, this isn't right" variety and thankfully there is none of that here - they want each other, they go for it and the problems that arise later as a result of their various issues feel much more natural as a result. And the inevitable tensions, conflicts and separations are drawn out to the point of ridiculousness. It all flows as part of a fun, larger story - lots of stalkers in this small town!

Loved it, will definitely be looking for more by this author.

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